Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hello to all Crossroads Biggest Loser participants!!

I've created this blog to offer each of you a great opportunity to share in your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes you may be experiencing throughout this 12-week challenge.

Take advantage, have fun, and good luck!!!


  1. Amber - thank you so much for starting this whole thing up. You are making such a positive impact in a lot of people's lives! May God bless you richly in your leadership!

  2. Amber - thanks for setting up the blog. I will be back to read others thoughts and comments.

    My 1st week went better well, but the 1st week of most of my dieting tries have gone well...hopefully it will continue


  3. Kristen and I have been working out at North High either early in the morning at the track, or after work at the gym. Things are going really well... as of today, I have lost 11 pounds and Kristen 9!!! Eating good is not fun, but easier when the weight is coming off!

  4. P.S.- A couple things....

    If you live near North or South HS, The track is open from 5-8 am and 7-8 pm most days. Many go to walk or run, and it is nice to be out of the cold, ice, etc. We bring our ipod and make it an event most days.

    Also, The NBC program "The Biggest Loser" is a real inspiration when you are trying to lose weight. The episode is really an encouragement and has lots of tips to lose weight and stay healthy.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  5. TJ and Kristen-that is AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work! And thanks for sharing the info on the high schools as well as the show, Biggest Loser. I'm a huge fan!!

  6. I thought it was extremely fortuitous that the new season of Biggest Loser started this past Tuesday. Our 12 weeks will directly coincide with the l2 on the show. It's an awesome way to take a week at a time.

    Joe and I have been doing awesome this week! It's fun to report each evening how little we ate, or even just how healthy we ate! The kids are having fun with it, too, as we have fully incorporated this healthy lifestyle for them as well. We have been exercising every night for at least 30 minutes. It's great to have a partner to do this with, as we each encourage the other if they are feeling unmotivated.

    I do already feel a difference in how my clothes fit. I know I have definitely dropped water weight. I have to admit though, as Sunday has drawn nearer, I am feeling more and more insecure about my loss. Both of us committed to NOT weighing in until Sunday at church, but now all of a sudden, I am unsure of what the scale will say and it scares me!! My biggest fear is that nothing will have changed. Can anyone relate?

  7. You all should check out The Biggest Looser Cookbook. It has some really good meals, snacks, tips, etc. Laurie and I are really enjoying cooking at home (well, mostly Laurie cooking - I have an awesome wife!)

  8. Got the cookbook last week! They had a family version, so I bought that one. I also bought the Boot Camp video. I haven't looked at it yet. Maybe this week...

  9. I hope everyone is doing well so far. I love to share little tips and read everyone else's too. Something helpful that Tj and I did was buying a bunch of good healthy food and portioning it to single servings in ziplocks which can last for weeks (pretzels,baked chips,carrot sticks,low-fat cheese, etc.). It's way cheaper than buying already portioned,pre-packaged food. It's also nice to have healthy little snacks to grab on the go, and this way there are no excuses for grabbing something totally unhealthy in a rush.

  10. I'm glad you are all doing so well. I had a lousy week but will try again this week. Keep up the great work! We did buy some fresh fruit today :)

  11. Hey everyone just want to remind everyone if you slip don't have to give up or beat yourself can always get a fresh start. sometimes it's really hard to start out, but the small changes matter..Maybe you are just drinking more water or taking the stairs instead of evelvator..some of us need to start out slow...remember these are lifestyle changes that we want to last and the bad habits weren't created overnight, so either will be the lifechanging better habits.
    Hang in there and take care everyone
    God Bless

  12. Today at work, the famous brownies made by our summer/winter helper's mom were brought to us. Guess who was the only person in the whole building who didn't have one - this guy! I know we should be able to give in to sweets once and a while, but the way TJ is shedding those pounds, there's just no room for weakness!

  13. I think you could afford a brownie! I want to win!

  14. We had Cole's Birthday yesterday and it was not a good night for Dan and I, we ate way too much. But like Kelly said today is a new day!!! Thanks for all the tips everyone! Good job everyone : )

  15. This is so exciting! While I don't have a huge number to report lost...I'm happy with my progress and my commitment. Oostburg opened up a new fitness center the day after we all weighed in at the sports core, and it was TOTALLY the extra kick in the pants I needed to get off the couch and work out. Thanks Amber for organizing this - and to all out there who are being supportive.

  16. PS: Mrs Trekas - I've seen you at the gym! Great job and keep up the good work - it's nice to have a fellow "loser" in town!

  17. been a while since anyone has posted! Hope everyone is still going strong! This is a key time, as I know the novelty of trying for me is starting to fade! Hang in there!

  18. Same here. I started to give in more to the old amounts of eating. But as it was stated before, it's NEVER too late to get back on track and eat less/work out harder. Pray for strength and ambition - it will come. Take care all. God bless!

  19. seriously... someone post on here...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. How is everyone doing??? I am happy to say that even though I haven't lost the weight I wanted to yet I have many great habits in place. Like drinking water, exersising on a regular basis and taking my multivitamin. Now if I could control those darn food portions I would be set!!

  22. 5 miles walking/running today!! Yeah!!

  23. I hope everyone spent sometime outside today!! How beautiful is 47 degrees!! I took my run outside in the wet it was worth every puddle!! So I kind of feel like I am talking to myself where is eveyone??

  24. Laurie and I got out today with our dog. You just have to take advantage of these kind of days. We were very tempted to break out the bikes, but we didn't feel like getting soaked. Stayed active though. The pounds are continuing to fall. How is everyone else? Success? Struggles?

    God bless
